What Do I Need To Register A Trailer How Many Of You Feel That We Are Living In A Police State And Freedom Is Just A Memory Of Days Gone By .?

How many of you feel that we are living in a police state and freedom is just a memory of days gone by .? - what do i need to register a trailer

I wanted to go fishing and that is what he had to do.
The first was given a license to tow a boat on the lake. These have been reviewed and approved by the State.
Second you to save the boat, even by hand and pay tax on the value of receiving a sticker produced by the State must be included in the registration of my boat.
The trailer must have a label, and the car.
This is part of the phenomenon.
I need a fishing license and it was relatively easy to make, but wondered what type of fish caught. It seems that some fish an extra stamp on my license.
I wonder what happens when the fish takes the bait of evil. Not ignore you.
After a breach or violation ofCompliance with any of these items can cause on the prison and at least one court appearance and fines.
The Coast Guard may even by boat if they so wish. Tell me, fishing is all a bit much.


fire_sid... said...

You've got to Florida and fish from the harbor. N liscense required.

Is not already a matter of a party, but you reduce the power of government in people's lives. Lower taxes, less government.

edubya said...

Without doubt, the population is growing, diminishing freedoms today. Security issues through the crowds and the traffic flows, there were ten years ago to today's problems. This is when freedom was taken yesterday by the surplus of the population, occur.

~Papi™Chulo E8© izza lucky dawg~ said...

I stopped, but the CGA is a private entity (which could be a good thing). Driving is a privilege, not a right. The fishing license is the law of the state. Good point, possibly in catching fish, but evil. I had to do half of it to get my license here in Arizona, one ... is simply a fish as the fish have more rights than we do! ;)

But the big government sucks, we all work to remove their forces.

♫ Mad Luv ♫ said...

It was our people who say, so it should, I think everyone is guilty too ..
I was not mistaken in his view has obsticals food after all theses for the capture of all things that can profid Something!
and you have to jump jump jump over it!
What are the places on this issue do not get fish.
We have the freedom to say that I'm going fishing today! Some people can not leave the house to go buy food. Thus we have the freedom, but there are rules and guidelines than anything else, but in the United States until the installation in most of them!

I mean, my husband does not need a permit for my hair!
I can not marry who I want!

I use them all in the United States is not free, so I culturse others and their laws are explored!
not as bad as we think
We're just spoiled brats who think that because there is something that we need to do somethign to Accquired we want is not free! at least the option!

lalalala... said...

I think what is happening now, but it is a slow process, and many people do not know what is happening.Hopefully No one is awake, before we have identification chips in the neck.

Perplexed Bob said...

When JJ was singing freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose.

rocky road said...

So I'm like fishing. I lived in the river as a child and fishing in the summer and loved it. Well, do like all the rules, then no. My equipment was passed nearly 20 years.

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