Soybean Futures Which Commodity Futures Should I Invest In Based On The Current Charts? This Is For A Game In My Mktg Class?

Which commodity futures should I invest in based on the current charts? This is for a game in my mktg class? - soybean futures

You can not negotiate the following contracts: from the CDC, corn, oats, soybeans, soybean oil, soybean oil, treasury bills, treasury bills, treasury bills 2 years, 30 days money league. KC wheat. MPLS wheat. CME feeder cattle, live cattle, pork, bacon, Japan Yan, DM, Canadian dollar, pound sterling, Swiss franc, Australian dollar, Mexican peso, Euro $. CSCE cocoa, coffee, sugar in the world. RCT-cotton, orange juice. CMX-grade copper, gold, silver. NYM-platinum, petroleum, N0.2 oil, unleaded gasoline, NY, of natural gas. IPE Brent crude oil to gas. I want to trade as much and as often as I want, as long as I earn more than $ 30,000.00. Help please !!!!! This is the website, which suggested that checklists. I'm just a little nervous the first time that I myself saw these things.


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